Drinking Game of the Day – Terminator


Happy Holidays! It’s been a coon’s age since we last posted so why not post a drinking game with a BANG! 

How To Play

All you need is a beer, a couple friends, and the ability to form a circle.

Everyone stands around in a circle and the one brave soul volunteers to go first.

To play, the first person shakes up the beer as much as he can and yells TERMINATOR!! and smashes the can against his forehead. He then passes the can to his left and the next player follows suit. If a hole is made in the can, the next person must suck on the hole for 3 seconds and smash it against his face again. The winner is the one who can break the can in half, the loser is the one who is stuck with the can if it has not been broken and no more beer is spitting out of the can, he must open the beer and finish what’s left.

Note: Athletic Ale is not responsible for any cuts, bruises, lost brain cells, or other unforeseen circumstances that may come of playing Terminator. Also, it is suggested to use two hands when playing, as one hand play usually ends up with a split forehead.


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